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Previous Year Question (PYQs)

Read the following passage and answer the subsequent questions : 
Recycling – everybody kind of ends their books about being sustainable and greening with the idea of recycling. You put something in a bin and you don't have to think about it again. What is the reality of that? In the United States, less than seven percent of the plastics are recycled, or incinerated, or shipped to China. It is down-cycled and turned into lesser things -- a plastic bottle can never be a plastic bottle again. We, a group of people concerned about plastic pollution, have added a fourth R onto the front of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," and that is refuse. Whenever possible, refuse single-use and disposable plastics. Alternatives exist; I myself am now collecting these cool Pyrex containers and using those instead of plastic containers to store food in. And I know that I am doing a service to myself and my family. It is a problem that we've created as consumers and we have to solve it –We can solve this by raising awareness of the issue and teaching people to choose alternatives.
Mark the statement that is NOT true:


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